Online Instructions FAQ

What do I need before I can start using Online Instructions services?
You will require SMS OTP in order to gain access to the suite of online instructions services. Before performing any online instructions, you will need to set up your Online Instructions Status Alert.
How can I access these Online Instructions services?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Other Services.

Online Funds Withdrawal

How can I perform an online fund withdrawal?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Online Fund Withdrawal.
What are the different modes I can withdraw from my trading account?

You can withdraw from your trading account via GIRO and EPS. Please note that there must be an existing facility set up for GIRO or EPS payment.

Please note that withdrawal cannot be deposited to a SGD or Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit Account.

Can I withdraw foreign currency from my trading account and deposit into my bank account?

Yes, you may withdraw your foreign currency and deposit into your DBS Multi-Currency Account or DBS Multiplier account via the Vickers Online Fund Withdrawal Portal.

Please note that withdrawals cannot be deposited to a SGD or Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit Account.

If I have USD in my trading account, is it possible to withdraw the funds in SGD?

Yes, you may convert your USD into SGD and deposit back to your account via GIRO / EPS. An indicative rate will be displayed in the online request page. The final FX conversion rate will only be shown after the request is complete.

Please note that withdrawal cannot be deposited to a SGD or Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit Account

Is there any cut-off time for online fund withdrawal?

For same day fund withdrawal, the cut-off time is 9:00am daily. If the withdrawal request is submitted before 9:00am on a business day, the funds will be deposited into your account on the same day. If the request is submitted after 9:00am, the withdrawal will be processed and deposited back to your account on the next business day. 

Note: For urgent same day fund withdrawal request, please call our Customer Service Line (65) 6327 2288 before 9:30am, from Monday to Friday.

Can I transfer funds from my cash upfront account to my cash trading account?
Yes you may transfer funds from your cash upfront account to your cash trading account if you access the DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform via DBS iBanking.
Can I transfer funds from my online trading account to my offline account or my joint account?
No, you are not able to transfer funds from your online trading account to your offline account or to your joint account.
Can I transfer funds from my trading account to another person's trading account?
No, you are not allowed to transfer to a third party account.
Is there a minimum / maximum amount I can withdraw from my account?
There is no minimum amount that you can withdraw from your account, as long as the amount indicated is not zero. The maximum amount will be capped at the amount available in your trading account.
Where can I check the status of my fund withdrawal?
You may check your fund withdrawal status in the online fund withdrawal page. Once the request has been processed, you may view the status in Account Activity page.
Why is my fund withdrawal request rejected?
If your request is rejected, you may view the rejection reason under Account Activity page.
Can I cancel my fund withdrawal request?
You may cancel your fund withdrawal request if your status is pending. You will not be allowed to cancel your request once it has been processed. You can check the status of your request from Account Management > Online Fund Withdrawal.

FX Conversion

How do I perform an online FX Conversion?
To perform an online FX Conversion, you may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > FX Conversion. If you have an urgent request, please call our Customer Service Line at (65) 6327 2288.
Where can I see the FX conversion rate?
An indicative FX conversion rate will be shown in the request page. The actual rate will be indicated in the Account Activity only after the request is processed.
How long will it take for my request to be processed?
For same day FX conversion, the cutoff time is at 2:30pm daily. If the request is submitted after 2:30pm, the FX conversion will be processed on the next business day.
Where can I check the status of my FX conversion?
You may check your FX conversion status in the FX conversion page. Once the request has been processed, you may view the status in Account Activity page.
Can I cancel my FX conversion request?
You may cancel the submitted request if it is before the next cutoff time. For submitted requests that are processed, any cancellation might result in FX losses. Any losses incurred due to cancellations are to be borne by clients.

Update CPF/SRS Account

How do I link my CPF / SRS account to my DBS Vickers online trading account?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Update CPF / SRS account.
How long will it take for my CPF / SRS account to be linked to my online trading account?
Cutoff time is 4:30pm. Request submitted after 4:30pm will be processed on the next business day. It will take approximately 2 working days to complete the linkage process.
How do I know if my CPF / SRS account has been linked successfully?
You will be able to select CPF / SRS as a settlement mode in the Order Ticket once the link is successful.
Can I submit multiple requests for CPF / SRS update?
If you submit multiple requests within the same day, only the latest request will be processed.

Standing Instructions

How can I apply for Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets for Clients Trading Online.
Are there any pre requisite before I can apply for Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets?
Yes, you will need to have an existing GIRO payment facility before applying for Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets.
If I have an EPS payment facility, can I apply for Standing Instructions?
No, to apply for Standing Instructions for foreign markets, you will need to have a GIRO payment facility. If you wish to set up a GIRO arrangement, please terminate your EPS payment facility before applying for GIRO. Once your GIRO payment facility is successful, you may apply for Standing Instructions for foreign markets.
How do I terminate my existing Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets?
You may terminate your existing Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets from My Account > Account Management > Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets and select Revoke GIRO SI.
How long will it take for my Standing Instructions for foreign markets to be processed?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Standing Instructions for Foreign Markets for Clients Trading Online.


Where can I update my PDPA status with DBS Vickers?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > PDPA.
What are the different channels I will receive marketing materials and information distributed by DBS Vickers?
All marketing materials and information relating to products and/or services offered or distributed by DBS Vickers will be disseminated via all forms of mobile messaging (including SMS/MMS), telephone calls, fax, email and/or post).
If I have registered in the national Do Not Call (DNC), but have opted in to receive marketing materials and information from DBS Vickers, will I still receive these marketing messages?
Yes, you will still receive marketing materials and information from us. Your instructions given will replace and supersede all previous instructions given to us, be it written or otherwise.
I have previously opted out from the PDPA, however I wish to receive marketing materials and information going forward. How do I make changes to that?
You may login to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform, and proceed to My Account > Account Management > PDPA to make the necessary change.

FATCA Self-Certification

What is FATCA?
In 2010, the United States enacted tax rules, commonly referred to as the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act ("FATCA"), which targets non-compliance of US tax laws by US persons using overseas accounts. FATCA will come into force on 1 July 2014. Non-US institutions (including DBS Vickers) are to identify and report on these persons under the provisions of applicable US tax law, including FATCA.
Am I required to complete the FATCA Self-Certification?
Yes, all customers are required to complete the FATCA Self-Certification form at the time of account opening.
If I have recently moved to US or become a US Green Card Holder, how do I update my FATCA status?
You will need to log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform, and proceed to My Account > Account Management > FATCA Self Certification to declare your change in Citizenship / Tax Residency and provide your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

Foreign shares transfer in/out

How do I transfer my foreign securities from another brokerage to my trading account or transfer out my foreign securities from my trading account to another brokerage?
To transfer in or withdraw your foreign securities, you may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Transfer In/Withdrawal of foreign securities.
Are there any fees involved in transferring in/withdrawing of foreign securities?
There are no fees involved for equities transfer in. Fees for withdrawal of foreign securities are SGD 50 per counter + any out-of-pocket charges.
What foreign securities am I able to transfer into my DBS Vickers online trading account?
You may transfer in Hong Kong, U.S, Canada, U.K, Australia and Japan equities. Please note DBS Vickers does not accept transfer in of US OTC counters and Marijuana-related securities.
Am I able to transfer in my Singapore shares from other brokerage?
No, all Singapore shares are kept with CDP. Please ensure your DBS Vickers online trading account is linked to your CDP account.

Payment Facility for EPS/GIRO

What is EPS?
Electronic Payment for Shares (EPS) is available to account holders of DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Citibank and Maybank. Client has to initiate payment through an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) or Internet Banking when buying shares online.
What is GIRO?
GIRO is a direct debit and credit authorisation which available only to DBS/POSB accounts holders. Payment will be directly debited from or credited to your designated bank account when buying or selling Singapore shares online and settled in Singapore Dollar.
What is the difference between GIRO and EPS settlement?
For settlements using GIRO, the payment will be directly debited from or credited to your designated bank account between 12 midnight and 07:00am on Due Date + 1.
For settlements using EPS, payments will be credited to your bank account on Due Date +1 and you are to settle through Automated Teller Machine or Internet Banking.
How do I apply for GIRO / EPS payment facility or terminate my existing payment facility online?
You may log in to DBS Vickers online trading platform and proceed to My Account > Account Management > Payment Facility for EPS / GIRO. The status of your application will be notified by post.
If I have an existing GIRO payment facility set up for my trading account, can I apply for EPS?
Yes, you must first terminate your GIRO facility. Once the termination is successful, you may proceed to apply for EPS.
If I have a GIRO payment facility but I wish to change the bank account linked to my trading account, how do I do that?
You must first terminate your existing GIRO facility before applying for a new one. If you have an existing Standing Instructions on Foreign Markets on your current GIRO facility, please terminate the Standing Instructions first before terminating your GIRO facility.

Update Personal Details

How do I update my personal information with DBS Vickers?
You may log in to DBS Vickers Online Trading Platform and proceed to My Profile > Update Personal Details.
What kind of personal details can I update online?
You may update your contact number, email address, employment details and residential address online. PO Box and/or C/O addresses cannot be used for residential address.
How do I update my mailing address (applicable to accounts linked to CDP)?
You may download and complete this form and mail in using our Business Reply Envelope. Upon receipt of your completed form, we will update your address in CDP and DBS Vickers records.
How do I update my mailing address (applicable to accounts not linked to CDP)?
You may download and complete this form and mail in using our Business Reply Envelope. Upon receipt of your completed form, we will update your address in DBS Vickers records.

Set Alerts

What kind of alerts can I set for my DBS Vickers Online Trading account?
There are 3 types of alerts, Trade Confirmation Alert, e-Statement Alert and Online Instructions Status Alert. You are required to set up your Online Instructions Status Alert before performing any online instructions.
What are the different modes of alerts I can choose to receive?
Email and SMS alerts are available for Trade Confirmation Alert and Online Instructions Status Alert. For e-Statement, only email alert is available.